Many homeowners debate whether or not to submit hail damage claims to their insurance companies.  That could be a big mistake.  Failure to do so could result in waiving your rights to have that damage fixed at a later date and might impact future claims. If you have storm damage, your policy likely requires you take action within one or two years of the date of loss.  If you don’t, it will not be covered.  Further, if a later storm causes damage to your property, you will have the burden to prove which storm caused what damage to your property.  This creates a difficult task and insurance companies often deny claims of damage contending that all of the damage is “old” damage.  While you may not immediately see significant damage to your property after a storm, it is a good idea to have your property inspected by a reputable and knowledgeable construction professional.  Many contractors will perform storm damage claims free of charge.

If a hail or wind storm occurred in your location within the last two years, you should have your home inspected.  Working with a contractor is a great first step.  Often times the contractor is able to communicate with your insurance company about the damage to your home and necessary repairs.  Many claims are resolved without further issue or dispute, but failing to make a claim can be detrimental to fixing the existing damage and handling later claims.  If your insurance company denies or limits your claim, contact us for a free claim consultation.  We will listen to the facts and circumstances of your specific case, review your policy, and discuss possible next steps, solutions, or claim dispute processes that may work best for your situation.


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