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So far Smith Jadin Johnson has created 138 blog entries.

Filing and Defending Your Theft and Vandalism Insurance Claim

Property insurance is something that anyone owning property should have. Insurable property includes your home, vehicle, and personal possessions that you own. Property insurance is intended to compensate you for the loss of your property in event of an accidental and unintended event to help you put your life back together. Typical losses are related to natural disasters, fires and…

Filing and Defending Your Theft and Vandalism Insurance Claim

SJJ Changes Iowa Insurance Law

SJJ attorney Tim Johnson recently won a huge case at the Iowa Supreme Court in Walnut Creek v. Depositors that will allow policyholders to have their disputed insurance claims resolved outside of court through the quicker and less expensive insurance appraisal process. The Walnut Creek case started as a disputed insurance claim.  The insurance company claimed that hail had not damaged the…

SJJ Changes Iowa Insurance Law

Homeowner Association Voting Rights In Minnesota

Minnesota homeowners who are part of a homeowner association (“HOA”) have the right to full participation when it comes to deciding how community issues will be handled. Whether it is an in-person vote or by an absentee ballot, voting allows homeowners to make their choices count. You Have the Right to Vote Homeowners who are part of an HOA have the…

Homeowner Association Voting Rights In Minnesota

Eleven Tips to Avoid Litigation

If you are a business owner, you need to make sure that all of your customers, employees, and business contacts are happy. For better or worse, more and more people turn to lawyers when things don’t go the way that they expect. Litigation can be quite costly, both in terms of money and time, so you should do everything that…

Eleven Tips to Avoid Litigation

Smith Jadin Johnson, PLLC.

We are excited to announce that we are changing the firm’s name from Roeder Smith Jadin, PLLC to effective June 1, 2018. The name change is due to the retirement of founding partner E. Curtis Roeder and the addition of Timothy D. Johnson to the firm’s partnership. You won’t notice anything different. Our dedicated attorneys and staff will continue to…

Smith Jadin Johnson, PLLC.

Construction Defect Litigation: Mold and Asbestos Issues

Your home is probably the biggest and most exciting investment you will make in your lifetime.  To help protect this investment, contractors who do work on your home in Minnesota are required to provide certain services.  These include (1) completing the work property; (2) providing certain statutory warranties; (3) building to code; and (4) creating a habitable temperature-controlled environment.  Most…

Construction Defect Litigation: Mold and Asbestos Issues

Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act Changes and Updates

During the last legislative session, the Minnesota legislature made two significant changes to the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act, Minn. Stat. § 515B (“MCIOA”) that will affect all common interest communities subject to that law. These changes, which have been signed into law by Governor Dayton, affect community associations’ maintenance responsibilities and rights to bring construction defect lawsuits. This blog…

Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act Changes and Updates

Airbnb Challenges with HOA and Property Insurance Claims in Minnesota

If you run an Airbnb or use another short-term rental site, it could impact any property insurance claims in Minnesota. Also, depending on the homeowner association (“HOA”) rules and governing documents, you could also be violating rules of the community. It is not unusual for HOA board members to approach Minnesota-based insurance attorneys for help in enforcing or clarifying the…

Airbnb Challenges with HOA and Property Insurance Claims in Minnesota

SJJ Does it Again!

SJJ attorneys Tim Johnson and Alex Jadin won another case before the Minnesota Court of Appeals upholding a policyholder’s right to collect interest on an appraisal award. In Andersen v. Owners Insurance, the policyholder prevailed against its insurance company at appraisal and sought to recover interest on the appraisal award.  The insurance company argued the policyholder was not entitled to…

SJJ Does it Again!

Court Rules That Insured Is Entitled To Pre-award Interest On Full Rcv Amount Of Appraisal Award, Without Offsets For Prior Payments Made By Insurer

SJJ attorneys Alex Jadin and Tim Johnson recently won another case with significant implications for the insurance appraisal process in Minnesota.  Niakwa Village Home Owners Association v. American Family Mutual Insurance Company involved a residential community that suffered hail damage in a recent storm.  The Association made a claim for the damage to its insurance company, but the insurance company…

Court Rules That Insured Is Entitled To Pre-award Interest On Full Rcv Amount Of Appraisal Award, Without Offsets For Prior Payments Made By Insurer