New Federal Reporting Requirements for Business Owners
The newly enacted federal Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) went into effect beginning January 1, 2024, which requires, with few exceptions, most all companies to report to the U.S. Treasury certain ...
Proposed Colorado Senate Bill 211 and its Impact on Homeowners Associations
The Colorado legislature is back to work following the COVID-19 shutdown and proposing legislation to cease “extraordinary collection actions” through November 1, 2020. Senators Winter and Gonzales along with representative Herod introduced Senate Bill 211 just 15 days ago on June 1, 2020 and the Bill has already been referred to the Committee as a whole. This proposed legislation appears…
Collections During Covid-19
As we slowly creep into June, it sometimes feels like we have been taking it “day-by-day” forever. That there is no “business as usual.” Many are left with lingering questions about the state of financial affairs for their business and what the next 60, 30, or even 3 days look like. There are constant news reports regarding COVID-19. Among them…
Virtual Practice During the Pandemic
Many states continue to be governed by some version of a “stay-at-home order” that prohibits normal social and work gatherings, including courthouses. This has led to nearly every event imaginable taking place virtually over video conferences platforms like Zoom. There have been virtual graduations, birthday parties, funeral services, happy hours, business meetings, and more. As lawyers, we have also utilized…
Turning the Dial: Updated Recommendations and Requirements for HOAs during COVID-19
It’s that time of year when common interest communities across Minnesota are starting to open pools and other outdoor amenities. On Friday, June 5, Governor Tim Walz announced Phase III of the Stay Safe MN plan, including a gradual turn of the dial to allow cautious and safe re-opening of certain venues and facilities. Under Phase III of the Stay…
Covid-19 & Insurance Appraisals
Summertime means insurance appraisals are in full swing in Minnesota. Like many things, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused additional and unexpected issues as individuals wrestle with social distancing and other safety issues.
MCIOA Amendment Brings Ease to Common Interest Communities
On Saturday May 16, 2020, Governor Walz signed into law a much-needed update to the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act (“MCIOA”) making governing document updates and amendments easier. Importantly, these updates apply to all common-interest-communities in Minnesota, even those that are otherwise are not subject to MCIOA.